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Little Bees Nature Pre School

"Early Years Education delivered in a fun and exciting way!"

Our Nature Pre School is a unique learning environment for children aged 2-4. Your child’s development and learning is guided by the Early Years Foundation Stage. Children are encouraged to learn new skills, socialise and develop those really important foundations in life, whilst getting close to nature! Our curriculum is delivered in a fun and exciting way so our children will move forward in life wanting to learn!

From the moment your child comes to us they are assigned a key worker who records their development in all areas, Physical development, Personal, social and emotional, Communication and Language, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the world and Expressive art and design.

Our children learn to be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured. We use Trick Box training and mindfulness during our circle times, with calming techniques and encourage the children to express their ideas, thoughts and feelings.

Children learn how to develop positive relationships and good behaviour with the guidance of our staff. Children are encouraged to learn our Golden Rules: Bee kind and helpful, sharing and turn taking, walking only indoors, using listening ears, kind hands and Bee kind to nature.

Children learn and develop well in an enabling, inspirational and sustainable environment. With such wonderful facilities inside and out, children have space to move around during child led play and have the opportunities, to learn new skills and develop an interest and respect for nature and the environment.

Working in partnership with other professionals and regularly updating our skills is essential to ensuring that our practice is current and innovative. We work with a network of Childcare professionals within the community as we recognise early intervention is key to recognising and acting on any developmental delays a child may encounter.

We work in partnership with families to ensure that we can build their likes and dislikes, language and faith, origin and culture, their abilities or disabilities, and their interests, into their learning because we understand that every child is a unique child.

Nature corner
Children are encouraged to bring in objects to add to our nature table. All areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage are covered in our nature inspired curriculum. Our curriculum follows the seasons, the elements, weather and seasonal celebrations.

Home corner
Children use their imaginations in our role play area, complete with kitchen with a rotation of role play toys including hairdressing equipment, dress-up, shopping equipment. This allows children to recreate how they see the world around them and tasks undertaken by members of their family and community.

Craft area
We have a vast array of craft activities for the children where they can practice mark making, colours, shapes, cutting, sticking, painting and using a range of additional creative resources.

Emerging literacy
Children take part in regular literacy based activities both inside and in our garden. Letters and Sounds, phonic sounds, interactive story time allowing children to enact characters and roles, one to one reading, mark making and group work help the children develop an interest in reading and writing as well as their listening and communication skills.

A Little Bee's typical day!

“We’ve broken down the day so you can see what a typical day is like for us."

9:00 - 9:15 Welcome in! Staff to greet and settle children and wash hands on entry.

All our children are made to feel welcome and cared for. During these uncertain times due to Covid-19 we encourage all children to wash their hands thoroughly. We also realise how important it is to set the tone of the day for the children and this starts from the very moment we greet them.
9:15 - 9:30 Golden Rules. Visual timetable of the day. Sharing news and weather. Days of week and more!

Once we have settled the children we start the day by engaging with everyone. Our golden rules and timetable give the day structure but also gives the children an exciting day to look forward to. We will also discuss topics which are relevant such as any news or the weather.
9:30 - 9:50 Free Play

Children are encouraged to choose activities and engage in a way they find fun but also develops their social skills
9:50 - 10:00 Pack away and tidy up. Wash Hands!

We encourage all children to learn to tidy up in a calm way. Then we wash our hands again
10:00 - 10:15 Snack and wash hands!

Snacks should be healthy yet tasty and as always we wash our hands periodically.
10:20 Line up. Coats and boots!

We always make sure children are appropriately dressed for the weather as we want activities to be done outside as much as possible so our Little Bees can engage with nature.
10:30 Planned Outside Activity. Exercise. Free Play!

We always have a wide range of activities planned to engage and stimulate our Little Bees. We also have time for exercise after which they are rewarded with freeplay.
11:30 - 11:40 Tidy garden toys. Line up to come in!

Everyone takes part in tidying up so children learn to take pride of their environment.
11:40 - 12:10 Wash hands. Story time/mindfulness/Golden rules. Nappies are taken care of when required. Prepare for children being picked up at 12:00. Children to find names at table!

Snacks should be healthy yet tasty and as always we wash our hands periodically.
12:15 - 13:00 Lunch. Prepare for children being picked up at 13:00. Tidy up. Recycling/Compost/Rubbish!

Children learn the principles of recycling why we make compost which will be used to plants we grow.
13:00 - 13:30 Play on ramp/bottom end!

Free play is a great time for children to do what they want in a supervised environment.
13:30 - 14:30 Small group activities. Prepare for children being picked up at 14:30!

Group activities are so important for developing social skills and stimulating the mind.
14:30 - 14:45 Active circle time: Dancing/Yoga/Exercise/Wake and Shake!

Exercise and calmness of mind are really important as they build a foundation in the early years, giving children experiences which show them a good place to be in physically and mentally. This is all done in a fun way!
14:45 - 15:00 Mindfulness. Story. Prepare for children being picked up at 15:00!

We finish the day with techniques to calm, feel happy and rested. The day usually ends with a story.